Open workouts per weekly scheduling (txt 707-234-8388 for schedule)
$50 per month per person.
2 Hour time slots.
Subscribe with Paypal below.
The day you start will be your monthly payment date.
Unsubscribe at any time.
Please observe common gym etiquette
1. Re-rack dumbbells, weights, bands, Muay Thai pads and bars.
2. Replace machines and benches to an upright storage position.
3. Keep clean use the provided trash bags.
4. No drinks ie Protein shakes or pre-workout allowed on the rubber flooring ( water is ok), keep your drinks stashed on the cement floor.
5. Turn off all lights and fan upon leaving. Big Garage doors Shut.
6. Music is fine just keep to a decent level.
7. You may use the red mats for floor exercises but please do not step on them with your street shoes, replace when finished just as you found them.
8. Most important !! Lock the door on the way out, maintain security for my home and equipment, by pressing the SCHLAGE button and turning the lock. THANKS and Happy Lifting!
Any repeated violation of general rules may result in gym membership termination.

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